Thursday, February 2, 2012

Marshmallows in Hot Cocoa

my friend Jc calls on his way home from a conference,
he offers fresh insights, his words bring comfort, i tell him i am looking forward to coffee with my friends, especially a favorite friend, ladies only ~

a friend, someone close to my mother in age, sends an email, she says she wants to get together soon, yet in her email i fail to find even a hint that she read my invitation
to coffee this morning, ladies only ~

while i sleep, a young woman sends an email asking for prayer,
she is concerned about her grandmother, she is awake ~

i am praying for the young woman and her grandmother. i remember lunch on Sunday, this young woman promising to consider joining us for coffee, i look forward to seeing her, i hope ~

a favorite friend texts she won't be with us for coffee, she is not feeling well this morning, is not going to join us in this a place i know she will find friendship, be embraced, ladies only ~

blinking back the tears that want to form at the corners of my eyes, i feel my heart melting into sadness like marshmallows in a too-hot cup of cocoa.

my words are inadequate.

i often feel i am a woman who is deaf and can hardly talk.


Jesus looked up in prayer, groaned mightily, and commanded, 
"Ephphatha!—Open up!" And it happened. The man's hearing was clear 
and his speech plain—just like that. Mark 7:31-36 excerpt MSG

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