Monday, December 26, 2016


the gift of comfort from Amanda
"If the wise men had been women ..." the joke opens, "... asked directions, arrived on time, helped deliver the baby, cleaned the stable..." diminishing males in applauding females.

My heart is reminded Mary and Martha, sisters -- Mary at the feet of Jesus, listening to His teachings; Martha in the kitchen. It is Martha that Jesus invites into a new role, to leave the kitchen, to sit at His feet and learn.

Later in the story, the roles are reversed. It is Martha who goes out to meet Jesus, and Mary who stays at home.

As the story unfolds, neither woman is diminished. Both are invited, valued, purposed, loved.

If today you find yourself exhausted by the tasks of Christmas, sit down, be restful, wrap yourself in comfort, enjoy the silence, mute the noise.

Listen to your heart. God is there.


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