Thursday, January 3, 2013

reading her story

an unexpected gift arrived in my email today: the story of a friend, her handwritten pages scanned into a computer and sent to me by her patient and loving husband, the vivid details released and billowing like parachutes, softly floating in to fill the crevices left in the oral narrative she shared with me as we began our whispered hopes journey together.

i am deeply grateful and deeply awed by her trust in me, her trust in God, her willingness to live ...

"a life set toward helping those who are enslaved."

on this my first 'working' day of the new year, as i erase the tired marker board in my office in an attempt to open my heart to what lies ahead, i want to be more like my friend, to set my life on the course God intended, the path God designed, to deeply embrace God who ...
"is sovereign over all the world."

... I prayed to God in heaven, 
and my mind was healed. 
Then I said:
“I praise and honor
    God Most High.
He lives forever,
and his kingdom
    will never end.
To him the nations
    are far less than nothing;
God controls the stars in the sky
    and everyone on this earth.
When God does something,
we cannot change it
    or even ask why.”


1 comment:

Cheree said...

Welcome back, my friend! What a treasure to receive! Have a blessed 2013. Starting with a blank slate and waiting for direction is often the best way.