Monday, August 15, 2011

Children of the Heart

In the fall of 2008 at my first ICAP-Global conference I purchased a circle of dolls, tiny women dressed in bright Guatemalan weaves. One holds a broom. Others hold
similar household items. Many are empty-handed. The card attached reads, "This product was made by women who live on the outskirts of Guatemala City ... working together these women have developed a community medical clinic and dental clinic, a scholarship and tutoring program, an infant growth monitoring and breast-feeding promotion program, a daycare center ... they have maintained a spirit of HOPE, which many in similar circumstances lost long ago. By purchasing this product you help support an entire community. Thank you..."

The circle hangs in my office, a reminder of a life-changing conference, a tribute to the power of women working together.

At the 2011 conference I brought home more tiny dolls dressed in Guatemalan weaves, this time as a gift for a young girl, the daughter of a close friend. Her thank you note hangs in my office.

She is taking good care of the dollys. She hopes I give her more gifts. She is making me a thank you letter.

Her words inspire me.

I long for words that will inspire the children of my heart, the men and women who struggle.

I too left footprints on the dark path of hopelessness. I look back now and know that I was not alone.

I call to God;
God will help me.
At dusk, dawn, and noon I sigh
deep sighs—he hears, he rescues.

Psalm 55:17 MSG

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